Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Check SFU Alumni email in Gmail

Since I am a graduate of Simon Fraser University (SFU) in BC, I use their alumni email service. Aside from the copious amounts of spam that come through, it is useful to stay in touch with past professors, friends, and other networks. The worst part has to be the online interface used to check's horrible.

If you're like me and would much rather check your SFU Alumni email in Gmail, then do the following:
1. Login to Gmail
2. Click on "Settings" at the top right side

3. Click on the "Accounts" tab
4. By 'Get Mail from Other Accounts' click on "Add another email Account"
5. Type in your SFU Alumni email address and click "Next"
6. In account enter your SFU username (without the, and enter your password
7. POP Server =
8. Click "Add Account". If it's setup correctly you'll get an email set to your alumni account. check it and either click on the link to verify, or copy the number and paste it back in the Gmail screen to verify. That's it...your SFU Alumni email should be flowing in at that point.

Fetch email in Gmail

Gmail now gives you the ability to download other email accounts into your Gmail dashboard. If you like the Gmail layout and are tired of checking your other accounts on other webmail locations, then consolidate them in Gmail with "Mail Fetcher".

This is just another great free service provided by Google to their Gmail users and can be found in your Google setting on the 'Account' tab. Your email provider has to be providing POP3 access, but as long as you have that then you are ready to go - all your email under one convenient online roof!

Click here to find more information on setup.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Easy file transfer in Windows Live Messenger

In the past I've always sent files by right-clicking on a Messenger contact and choosing "send other..." then "Send a single file". But no longer!!

If you want the easy way to do it, just drag and drop the file into the message typing box of the contact you wish to send to. Voila...done and done.

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