Thursday, November 8, 2007

The IT Room

Check out this preview page for The IT Room. Looks to be a new online company satire of the day-to-day operations of a standard IT department ... that is if 'standard' means having a midget, a monkey, and a leggy blond on the team.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Computer Support - Buyers Beware

I recently saw a CBC Marketplace episode exposing the bad side of computer support. Being in the industry, it kills me to see people being taken advantage of like this. This video is well worth the 30 minutes it takes to watch. Please also watch it with a grain of salt - the report is a bit biased but for the most part it's very revealing.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

IMAP, Gmail, and Blackberry. One happy family.

Google finally release IMAP support for Gmail. Just go here so I don't have to explain it all again.

I'm just happy to consolidate my emails on my Blackberry. Here's a how-to link on setting it up. Very easy.

Now to just rid my world of Hotmail and I'll have total email consolidation!

Need more help?