Friday, April 11, 2008

Get your life back - remove freecell and solitaire!

Addictive personalities can really get addicted to anything these days - case in point: Solitaire, Freecell, and other freebie games included with Windows.

Why not free yourself from the little devil on your shoulder saying, "Just one more know you'll find that ace of clubs this time." It's not worth hurting a marriage to see the grand finale of little cards bouncing across your screen coupled with the sound of chihuahua's squeezing out little poops.

Whether you're trying to kick the habit or you just want your spouse to concentrate more on you, these easy steps should do the trick:

*these are done in XP, but should be similar in Vista

1. Click "Start", then click "Search"
2. Click "All Files and Folders"
3. In the text box below "All or part of the file name:", type "sol.exe".
4. Right-click on all found files, and click "Delete"
5. Complete the same process for "spider.exe" (for spider solitaire) and "freecell.exe"

This will make these games inaccessible, but if you are a true addict you will restore them from the recycle bin, so delete them from there too and get your life back!!!

If you're still having problems kicking that digital-card habit click here for free advice on kicking any bad habit!


thisisnotbruce said...

This post actually made me load up Solitaire, which I don't remember doing in years.

Looks like I need a way to disable my continuous checking of RSS feeds.

PC said... missed the point! Don't get hooked...

Unknown said...

Is there a way to back up the game on an external hard drive or on a disc so it isn't gone forever?

Unknown said...

Do you know if there is a way to back-up Freecell on a disc or an external drive? I want to remove it from the PC so the temptation is gone, but would like to have it on a disc to be able to play once in a while.

PC said...

You can copy the file "sol.exe" to an external harddrive or disk and run it directly from there. I haven't done it with "spider.exe" or "freecell.exe" but I'm sure it works the same way. Let me know if that works for you.

Need more help?